We’ve been awarded a contract for monitoring internal corrosion rates on a buried pipeline in Asia.
Our PipeMonit® Swarm system allow for installation in inaccessible and impractical locations such as top of welds, heated weld zones, elbows, t-pieces and as in this case, buried pipelines.
The PipeMonit® Swarm system will be installed in 4 locations along the pipeline and will send corrosion data to the client SCADA system through fiber communication.
Delivering the data online from buried pipelines and remote locations can be a challenge, but Sensorlink can deliver options for data communication like wireless through for example GSM/cellular or satellite communication where fiber or cable communication is not possible. Our systems can also be delivered with battery power and solar power solutions to make them autonomous and with less need for service.
Read more about our system for topside and landbased corrosion monitoring: