Sensorlink has yet again been awarded with a contract for corrosion monitoring by a major operator in the GCC region (Gulf Cooperation Council).
This is another milestone for Sensorlink after we launched the new generation of PipeMonit® Swarm corrosion monitoring systems.
The client highlighted the ease of installation with non-intrusive technology, the resolution of 2,5 µm and the mechanical robustness of the PipeMonit® Swarm system as main factors for awarding the contract.
The PipeMonit® Swarm technology is capable of measuring changes in the wall thickness with great accuracy, thus avoiding the uncertainty caused by inadequate instruments or unskilled operators.
Wall thickness can be measured to a very high accuracy by repeating measurements at the same spot over time with permanently installed instrumentation.
Ask us about our technology or read more about our non-intrusive corrosion monitoring: