Iron is not a stable metal and will start corroding when exposed to water or other corrosive environments. Corrosion is a major challenge to the industry, with an estimated annual global cost (by NACE, now AMPP) of USD 2.3 trillion in 2013, threatening asset safety and the environment as well as operational cost and efficiency. Non-intrusive corrosion monitoring lets you monitor and prevent potential corrosion challenges in your pipes and pipeline.
Sensorlink’s highly accurate non-intrusive corrosion monitoring solutions utilizes ultrasound technology to measure corrosion directly at the pipe wall, detecting corrosion rates and the distribution of corrosion without compromising plant safety through intrusive access points. Intrusive access points are necessary to conduct traditional corrosion monitoring.
Corrosion monitoring provides information used to verify the integrity of a plant and help operators make knowledge-based decisions to optimize the process, reduce corrosion and plan maintenance – which increases asset life and uptime.
Consequently, continuously measuring wall thickness over time enables pipeline operators to make better decisions in their day-to-day production planning.
Want more corrosion- and erosion-monitoring tips?
Corrosion may vary along a pipeline due to topography (low spots) and geometry, and, with time, due to changes in water content, flow rates and corrosive components (e.g CO2, H2S).
SensorLink’s Swarm® and UltraMonit® systems monitor corrosion directly at the location where it is installed, without disturbing flow conditions or causing deposits, which may compromise intrusive monitoring measurements. Sensorlink’s solutions can be installed at any location along a pipeline; subsea and above water, underground (6 o’clock) or above ground on land-based lines, as well as upstream production sites and refineries (also high temperature locations).
Data provided by Sensorlink’s solutions are reliable and easy to understand and can effectively be used for efficient corrosion and integrity management.
The first step in corrosion management should always be to define which information is needed to make integrity management decisions. The monitoring solution and its configuration should then be designed to provide this information.
Sensorlink’s non-intrusive corrosion monitoring solutions are ideal for long term integrity monitoring, as it measures actual pipeline metal loss at the pipe wall as well as the distribution of corrosion in the monitored area. In addition, the solutions sensitivity is high enough to provide fast information for efficient short-term process or corrosion control. Sensorlink’s data is easy to understand and apply.
When considering all aspects of your corrosion challenges, Sensorlink’s Swarm S2® and Ultramonit® systems are often the best choice to meet the various challenges.
To provide market leading accuracy in our measurements, we utilize ultrasonic pulse-echo technology, in combination with high quality mechanical engineering, advanced algorithms, and cutting-edge data processing. Our technology enables us to provide market leading accuracy in our measurements (up to +/- 2,5 µm repeatability).
In the control unit, data from multiple sensors are processed. By using a larger number of sensors our solution ensures a greater degree of pipe coverage, and therefore, a better understanding of corrosion and erosion in a larger area of the inner pipe wall.
Metal loss data is visualized in an easy-to-understand way in our application software – or provided to the user for direct implementation. Sensorlink perform more detailed analyses on request.
Sensorlink’s non-intrusive corrosion monitoring technology measure changes in wall thickness with great accuracy (up to +/- 2,5 µm repeatability). Wall thickness data produced is easy to understand and distribution of corrosion in the monitored area is efficiently provided for the array of sensors in the Swarm® and UltraMonit® systems.
Our technology is perfected over time, by carefully refining our algorithms and equipment, making both accuracy and quality market leading. Data is visualized in a simple and understandable way, ensuring that you always have full control of the integrity of your pipeline.
Monitoring pipeline integrity with permanently installed instrumentation is particularly effective for buried pipelines, where access to the pipeline itself is restricted. Installing Sensorlink-technology on particularly exposed sections of your pipeline like bends or low spots allows you to receive real-time data detailing the status of your pipeline without ever excavating it.
Traditionally, pipelines have been inspected by intelligent pigs at regular intervals. Such inspections are costly and has a limited resolution, meaning only major corrosion attacks are discovered. Meanwhile, Sensorlink’s technologies provides continuous data from assumed worst locations along a pipeline. In most cases, our solutions reduce the required frequency, or sometimes even eliminate the need for intelligent pig surveys, whilst providing information allowing active corrosion control of the pipeline.
Also, in upstream production sites and refineries, replacing manual inspection (like UT spot readings) with permanently installed corrosion monitors is becoming a trend.
Sensorlink systems are permanently installed and will yield high accuracy readings over time. These measurements can be collected by both wired data transfer and wirelessly, allowing pipeline operators to make better decisions in their day-to-day production planning.